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Gisele Rodríguez, born in Unquillo, Cordoba (AR), November 12, 1985, daughter of Miguel Angel Rodriguez and Noemi Susan Polich, the second of three children.

Currently located somewhere in Rio Ceballos, Cordoba - ARGENTINA, where he has his workshop.

- "Cultural Management", Section Extension Fac of Economics, National University of...

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Gisele Rodríguez, born in Unquillo, Cordoba (AR), November 12, 1985, daughter of Miguel Angel Rodriguez and Noemi Susan Polich, the second of three children.

Currently located somewhere in Rio Ceballos, Cordoba - ARGENTINA, where he has his workshop.

- "Cultural Management", Section Extension Fac of Economics, National University of Cordoba. Teacher: Maria Victoria Alcaraz, Barraco Cesar Gustavo Blazquez, Boretto John, Cappato, Alejandro, Carlos Elia, Silvia Freiberg, Frías, Leandro,
José Luis González, Gomez, Alejandro, Ligaluppi Alberto, Claudio Massetti, Nusenovich Marcelo, Sergio Obeid, Onaindia José Miguel, Raul Ortiz, Carlos Pacheco, Luis Alberto Quevedo, Sansica Raul Szuchmacher Reuben Schargorodsky Hector Schilling Carlos Arévalo Hilda Villalobos ( Chile), Lidia Blanco (Spain), Heras, Guillermo (Spain), Kanel, Gianula (Spain), valine, Omar (Cuba), Vicario, Fernando (Spain).
-Conference on Political and Cultural Cooperation, the European Group in Cordoba, Cordoba Spain Cultural Center. www.ccec.org.ar
- Workshop "aesthetic experience" from painting and photography by Arrascaeta Diego and Ana Gilardi at home 13.
- "You This here, "lecture on cultural tourism 5, 7, 11, 13, JUNE 14 and 18. Coordinates: Pablo Barzola:: Sofia Sanchez:: Tomás Sánchez Maluf
Superior Technical-Visual Arts. Institute of Higher Education Dr. José Figueroa Alcorta. Provincial School of Fine Arts.
- "Instructions to the conservation and restoration of works of art." By Prof. Mrs. Oscar Esp Gubiani and Laura Yellow Arch, National University of Cordoba (UNC). Postgraduate course. 2007.

2006.-October-First Forum for Reflection and Debate "The Representation of the human figure in art history and Strategies. Eva Perón City Auditorium Arts


-November 2008, "Day of conducting day of mural contest ccoerativismo "Coop. Public Works and Services Rio Ceballos, on the campus of Blue House Cultural Center.
Organization-August 2008 "2nd contest drawing or painting for children,
Cooperative Cultural Centre "Casa Azul" depending on the Works and Services Cooperative Rio Ceballos.
"Project management" EMERGE ART "next to the address of Culture in Rio Ceballos, Córdoba, January-February 2008. Group shows of young artists and around Rio Ceballos, 1st Call for international collective exhibition Memory Day, March 24, 2008, with a sample of more than 20 artists, lectures and showing of audiovisual material.
-Collaboration with the Coop. Works and Services in Rio Ceballos in project "ART IN CASA AZUL" by distributing tasks, customer service, ticket sales cycles film club, and music events, tours show "a young group of Cba to the hills" (Bertoloni, Chalub, Niz, Di Pasquale, Palacios, Morales) Cooperative Cultural Center Casa Azul, Rio Ceballos.
- March 2007-2008: Benefited by the Municipality of Unquillo a scholarship to perform tasks to the public on guided tours, assembly, organization, distribution of samples attending home address Spilimbergo Museum, Unquillo by Prof. Luis Bernardi . Samples taken: Bastos, Bianchedi, Ciancio, Brandi, Guillamondegui, Sosa Loyola
Extra activities: 1 Short Film Festival at the Museum, musical performances and activities between artists and the schools and surrounding gardens.
- August 2, 2007 organization of 1 Drawing Contest and / or painting for children,
Cooperative Cultural Centre "Casa Azul" depending on the Works and Services Cooperative Rio Ceballos.


Prime Stimulus Young Creators Award Córdoba 2005, specially engraved with the work: "Eyes." Agency Culture Córdoba, Argentina.

-Selected to exhibit in group show Small Format Painting Contest 2007 in the Palacio de las Artes, Buenos Aires, September 7 to September 19, 2007.

"Third Exhibition of Small Format Award 2007, Painting discipline. From 14 to November 30, 2007 in Argentina Association of Actors, Sala Olga Berg.
Organizer: Sociedad Argentina de Artistas Plasticos (SAAP), Buenos Aires.

Cultural UP group, individual and shares
- November 20 to December 1, "Group Exhibition of Contemporary Art" Art Space SCARLET, Serrano 1408, Palermo Buenos Aires www.espacioescarlata.com
- July 22 to August 5, 2008. "FIGURATIVE ART EXPO I" Espacio 10 Art Gallery, Guatemala 4757, Palermo, Buenos Aires www.espacio10.com.ar
-Winter 2008, Virtual Gallery PAINTING http://www.encuentroconelarte.com/image
-13 To 27 March: shows of drawings and paintings in small format, coffee Adagio Art, July 9, 1593, Córdoba.
-29 February 2008, Buenos Aires: Project "moving target / TRANSPORTATION CULTURAL, intervention on the train Urquiza, College-Moreno, along with ACE Project 'by Alicia Candiani and John Hitckcock
- 16 to February 22 "The body color as a liberating force" drawings and paintings, EMERGE ART cycle, Old Chapel Rio Ceballos
-22 To 25 November 2007: "Come here and there" Festival of Art, Unquillo Station, sponsored by the Agencia Córdoba Cultura.
-7 To 19 September 2007: Paint Small Format 2007 in the Palace of Arts, Buenos Aires,
- October 2007: 1st Drawing Salon "Lino Enea Spilimbergo" for students of Visual Arts. Organized by the School of Fine Arts Lino Enea Spilimbergo, Río Tercero, Córdoba.
-10 To 24 March 2007, Rio Ceballos sports, "1st Meeting of women in a collective mural."
- December to February, 2007: Show at the Municipal Health Center "Norcel Cardoso" Rio Ceballos, Cordoba.
-2 To 11 February 2007 group show "those who come ... where to go, "Parador Cultural, Rio Ceballos, Cordoba.,
- October-December 2006: Exhibition "NUDE" School canteen Figueroa Alcorta, City of the Arts.
-25 November to December 4, 2005 Center of Contemporary Art Encouragement Prize winning works of young artists 2005 Córdoba.

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